Latest News
We are hiring! Two new vacancies
We are looking for people to join the SSS Team! Two new vacancies are available including an Assistant Project Manager Role in our Research and Evaluation Department and a Training Coordinator role with our Training Team. Check out our website to learn more about us...
Safe System Snippet #190 Limit, Not a Target
Does the community know that it’s a “Limit, Not a Target”? In difficult driving conditions, certain speeds, even within the legal limits, may be inappropriate. Wet weather and other influences may mean that driving at the speed limit is inappropriate and dangerous. ❓...
Safe System Snippet #189 Pedestrian Crash Risk
Pedestrian crash risk dramatically increases around public transport stops. This is because people’s focus is on catching their bus/tram/train. In an audit of 70 bus stops in Melbourne and regional Victorian cities, Victoria Walks found that 60km/h was the most common...
Safe System Snippet #188 Vulnerable Road User (VRU)
Our roads are getting safer… unless you’re a Vulnerable Road User (VRU).Once again we’ve seen a year where a horrific number of people were killed on Victorian roads. 240 members of our community had their lives cut short, their families shattered, their community...
New Zealand’s Safe System Audit Guidelines
Hiring Graduate Engineers
⚠️ We are looking for graduate engineers to join the SSS Team in 2023! ⚠️ Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd is a road safety consultancy working across Australia and New Zealand. We work on some of the largest transport projects in Aus and NZ, as well as the more niche...
Kenn Beer Featured in Waka Kotahi Road to Zero Newsletter
Last week our Principal Engineer, Kenn Beer, was featured in the Waka Kotahi Road to Zero newsletter alongside Lloyd de Beer from Beca. In amongst information on annual vehicle safety ratings, new temporary traffic management guides and speed limit case studies, the...
Safety 2022
To create a Safe System road environment requires managing kinetic energy levels in crashes to within tolerable levels. This is a big challenge when we consider the biomechanics of injury for motorcyclists. Today our Principal Engineer, Kenn Beer, presented at Safety...
Safe System Sketch
It's Friday, and you know what that means...Safe System Sketch time. Have a super weekend.
Safe System Snippet #187 Setting Speed Limits – 85th percentile method
The 85th percentile method of setting speed limits is careless and antiquated. One of the most archaic ways to set a speed limit is the 85th percentile speed (the speed at or below which 85% of motorists travel under free flow). This is 1950s thinking, yet it still...
Road Safety Barriers Training in Brisbane
There was always a lot to think about in road safety barrier design, but with the introduction of the new roadside risk assessment process in the 2022 version of the Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 6 we’ve hit new levels. Last week, our Advanced Road Safety...
Safe System Sketch
Happy Friday, and have a super weekend.
Safe System Synopsis
It’s Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month…EVERY MONTH, in our opinion. Motorcyclists and pillion passengers are staggeringly overrepresented in road trauma when analysing crashes per vehicle kilometres travelled, crashes per registered vehicle, crashes per licensed...
Safe System Sketch
Happy Friday. Here's one for the road safety barrier enthusiasts out there.
Safe System Sketch
It's Safe System Sketch time.Each Friday this year, our engineers have been putting their comic wit on the line and producing a cartoon/sketch. Let us know what you think of today's sketch.
Safe System Snippet #186 Speeding Fines
In parts of Europe speeding fines are adjusted to match the speeder’s salary. Finland is best known for this system where the government uses their existing tax data to work out a fine that provides equal disincentive regardless of earnings (including benefits). This...
Safe System Synopsis – Safe System Audits
Waka Kotahi has just released their Safe System Audit guidelines and process. It’s a new frontier in the Safe System assurance process and we’re excited. So much so that we’ve produced a fact sheet (below) to explain some of the changes. Get in contact to ensure you...
Wombat Crossing in Goulburn NSW
Road Safety Barriers Training in Brisbane
By popular demand, our Road Safety Barriers technical training course is coming to Brisbane. Over 500 engineers, road designers, technical officers, managers and field staff from around Australia have successfully completed this course. Through interactive learning,...