Earlier this month, Sam Pasley (Aotearoa lead for Safe System Solutions NZ) and Kenn Beer presented to NZ’s Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council on some of the latest and greatest in road design, assessment and management of roads for motorcycle safety. This included:

  • Frangible pole systems for motorcycle and cyclist safety
  • Motorcycle Safety Audits and the great outcomes being achieved in Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales
  • The recent Victoria update to the Making Roads Motorcycle Friendly document and training package
  • Motorcycle Enhanced Maintenance Schemes
  • The upcoming Austroads webinar on the Learner Approved Motorcycle Scheme review being delivered by Safe System Solutions.

If you want more info on any of these, or need motorcycle safety advice, contact Sam Pasley in our New Zealand office.

Sam Pasley
Contact details here: https://safesystemsolutions.co.nz/