The Go-To Road Safety People
The Safe System is a holistic approach to road safety with a series of key principles: people make mistakes, the human body has limits on the forces it can withstand, we must aim at zero death and serious injury, and that everyone is responsible for road safety – but the ultimate responsibility rests with the system designers. The Safe System has five key lever areas: Safe Roads, Safe Speeds, Safe Road Users, Safe Vehicles and advanced post-crash care.
Using the Safe System, our goal is to make the roads a safer place for everyone.
Award Winning Company
Road Safety
Technical Training
We have decades of experience in facilitating workshops, seminars and conferences. We achieve outcomes while ensuring everyone is heard.
Design & Technical
Our road safety engineers have extensive experience with design work and technical projects.
Research & Evaluation
Our researchers, engineers and project managers are experts in research and evaluation. Whether you’re looking to analyse crash data or conduct research into innovative road safety treatments, we can help.
International Services
Expert Witness
Our engineers have a wealth of experience and offer our services as expert witnesses.
Latest News
Case study: Horsham Bicycle and Shared Paths Plan
Would you ride a bike to work if the journey was on flat terrain, less than 5 kilometres, and in a moderate climate? Sounds ideal, right? That’s the situation for most people living in Horsham, in Victoria’s west, yet just 1% of Horsham workers cycled to work in...
Safe System Snippet 417: Sight distance height pedestrians
While this near miss involves a driver that is incorrectly and inappropriately using the intersection, it does highlight one of the additional risks for those trying to navigate the road network in a wheelchair or mobility scooter; their lower eye height compared to...
Safe System Snippet 416: The Safe System approach is taking off in the USA
The Safe System’s principles - proactive interventions and designing roads that anticipate, minimise and manage human error are reshaping how practitioners in the USA think about road safety. These are exciting times for the transport safety community as the Safe...
The Next Chapter in Road Safety
We offer a broad range of professional road safety, design, planning, auditing and training services tailored to your needs.