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Safe System Snippet: #214 Could we use plants/shrubs as roadside protection devices?
We are often asked if we could use plants/shrubs as roadside protection devices. The simple answer is NO. Why? - The effectiveness of a specific planting in being able to stop or slow a wide range of vehicle types is uncertain, and some plantings would also be an...
Safe System Snippet: #213 Left turn onto pedestrian crashes
While left turn onto pedestrian crashes are less frequent and less severe than right turn on to pedestrian crashes, the risk of these crashes can be reduced using many similar techniques, including: - Exclusive pedestrian phases - Fully controlled left turns - Early...
Good Roads conference, Toronto
“In what other industry would you find this sort of risk apathy?” was one of Kenn Beer’s thought-provoking questions in his Keynote presentation at the 129th Good Roads conference in Toronto this week. Kenn was invited to be a Keynote Speaker at the conference which...
Safe System Solutions Aotearoa New Zealand!
We’re super excited to announce Sam Pasley as the Managing Director of Safe System Solutions Aotearoa New Zealand. We’re passionate about the implementation of the Safe System approach, and having Sam on the team will help us do this in Aotearoa New Zealand. Sam’s...
Safe System Snippet: #212 Bicycle markings – what colour?
Coloured pavement markings for cyclist safety are used around the world for a variety of purposes, including to highlight areas where a conflict point exists between vehicles and cyclists, to direct cyclists along a particular path and also to highlight areas...
Safe System Snippet: #211 When baseline data doesn’t exist.
We’re often asked to undertake an evaluation of recently installed infrastructure, or recent road safety initiatives, but unfortunately there is often a large gap in baseline data (read: it doesn’t exist). While not ideal, one should not despair. There are a few...
Safe System Snippet: #210 The Gore Area
The gore area is the wedge between a freeway/motorway exit and the continuing road. Drivers need to navigate, decelerate, and change lanes at, or on the approach to, gore areas through specified and compacted geometry. This makes gore areas highly crash-prone...
Safe System Snippet: #209 High Profile Barrier Kerbs
There are a variety of High Profile Barrier Kerbs (sometimes called High Containment Kerbs) available. Midwest profile has been tested under NCHRP350 Test Level 2, vehicle speed 70km/h, impact angle 25 degrees and vehicle mass 2000kg. VicRoads RDN03-01 states it...
Safe System Snippet: #208 Coloured cycle lanes at intersections.
Coloured cycle lanes are used in many countries as a means to alert drivers to the possible presence of a cyclist, and also to guide cyclists along a preferred path. However, a 2008 Danish study found that coloured cycle lanes can have a detrimental effect in complex...
Safe System Snippet: #207 Bicycle storage boxes
Bicycle storage boxes are intended to aid cyclists being seen, and give them an area to store during a red signal phase. However, according to two European studies, only 22% of all cyclists used the advanced stop line. The main reason for the low utilisation was that...
Safe System Snippet: #206 Importance of giving attention to tyres
As vehicles have become more robust and sophisticated, drivers are becoming less aware of the importance of their tyres. Tyres have significantly improved in terms of safety, performance and wear, but they still need attention as one of the vehicle’s most critical...
Safe System Snippet: #205 Seatbelt use by truck drivers
In a study of seat belt wearing amongst vehicle drivers, wearing rates for light vehicle drivers in NSW are well over 90% but the rates of seatbelt use by truck drivers were considerably lower at around 75%. Some of the main findings of the report were: There are...
Safe System Snippet: #204 Vertical alignment at a railway level crossings
The vertical alignment at a railway level crossing can be a critical factor in the risk of crashes involving larger/longer or lower vehicles. The preference is for the road grading to be smooth at the crossing, however this is rarely possible. Usually, the rail...
Safe System Snippet: #203 Bicycle crash under-reporting
There are approximately eight bicycle crashes for each bicycle crash that is reported in official crash statistics. When this under-reporting is considered, the crash rate for cyclists is almost 20 times that of car occupants. More than 80% of all bicycle crashes...
Safe System Snippet: #202 Wire Rope Safety Barrier – rope tension
Wire rope systems will deflect more on hot days and less on cold days. The required wire rope tension for a specific installation is calculated using the Annual Average Daily Temperature at site and the Product Manual. It is important for road designers to understand...
Safe System Snippet: #201 Slip base (frangible) poles
Slip base (frangible) poles are designed to shear at the base when impacted by errant vehicles. The height of the shearing plane should be 75mm above ground level with a ±25mm tolerance. Too high and the pole may snag a vehicle. Too low and the pole may not...
Safe System Snippet: #200 How solutions on the transport network, may be viewed through a different lens by others.
We’ve seen lots of crashes involving vehicles vaulting off a ramp-down end terminal, but this one is a first for us. This should serve as a reminder to all of us that implement solutions on the transport network, they may be viewed through a different lens by...
Employee Spotlight: Julian Toveneti
Julian has been with SSS for 18 months as a Graduate Engineer. As an accredited Road Safety Auditor, he is one of our team delivering on the mission of creating safer roads for our communities. He recently organized an initiative with his colleagues that is close to...
Safe System Snippet: #199 Lowering Vehicle Speeds in Urban Areas
Lowering vehicle speeds in urban areas is proven to save lives and reduce serious injuries, but here are some things that might surprise you: Safer speeds help make healthier communities. Lower vehicle speeds create a more comfortable environment for pedestrians...
Safe System Snippet: #198 Making our road system more forgiving for when the expected unexpected happens
While we’re not aware of any studies of the impact of spiders on Australian car crash rates (although most of us have encountered a huntsman in the car at one point), we do know that people leave the road for all sorts of reasons – spiders being just one. Falling...