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Safe System Snippet: #239 Effective measures for the reduction of animal crashes
In Australia, the biggest source of trauma in animal crashes are kangaroos (trauma for both for the kangaroos and the humans). The effects of a number of measures that have been found are reproduced in the second figure below. As you can see, in this study, the...
Safe System Snippet: #238 Trail bike safety project
In Victoria, every year, around 700 crashes are reported that involve trail bike riders in forest, park or bush settings. Of these crashes, around 350 are serious injury crashes and 5 are fatal. Victoria’s Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action,...
Safe System Snippet: #237 Perceptual countermeasures
Perceptual countermeasures (sometimes call perceptive countermeasures) are any alterations to the road environment to change a road user’s perception of the environment with the aim to alter their behaviour. Common perceptual countermeasures include transverse lines...
Safe System Snippet: #236 Bridge width and road safety
Bridge width and road safety. Two great studies have been produced regarding the effects of bridge width on road safety. One by Mak and one by Corben Et. Al. In summary, increasing the bridge width results in a significant reduction of crashes - 35%. In another...
Safe System Snippet: #235 We salute the humble road hump – another Safe System solution
Physical treatments in the road environment are the most effective way to slow vehicles. Road humps are one of the most powerful Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) tools in the toolkit. To operate efficiently and safely, the following design principles should be...
Safe System Snippet: #234 It is well known that a town bypass will improve road safety
It is well known that a town bypass will improve road safety. Elvik Et. Al. (2001) found that the reduction in injury crashes equated to approximately 25%, but that one factor in the success of this was the treatment/management of the old highway. At the time the...
Safe System Snippet: #233 Anti-dazzle (or anti-glare) screens
Anti-dazzle (or anti-glare) screens are designed to minimise light from opposing headlight. A study from the UK found that these screens can reduce injury crashes by up to 11%. When installing, make sure the design of the attachments doesn’t impact the barrier’s...
Safe System Snippet: #232 Evalutation of existing speed camera locations
Safe System Solutions was appointed as the Independent Road Safety Experts by the NSW Government to evaluate nine existing speed camera locations. The review was performed to understand if these cameras are still providing a safety benefit and should remain or if...
Safe System Snippet: #231 ‘Dynamic Visual Obstruction’ or ‘Masking’
Left turning vehicles can block the sight lines for vehicles trying to exit the side road. This is called ‘Dynamic Visual Obstruction’ or ‘Masking’. The addition of a left turn lane can sometimes exacerbate this issue as the masked vehicle is given greater opportunity...
Safe System Snippet: #230 Where is yellow road line marking used in Australia?
Where is yellow road line marking used in Australia? There are a number of situations where yellow line marking is used instead of white, these are: To denote no stopping at a locations (along kerb or edge of the road) ((Road Rule 169)) To reinforce not to stop...
Safe System Snippet: #229 Left turn slip lanes treatments
Left turn slip lanes treatments continue to be a source of debate in industry. We generally like TMR’s approach in their Road Safety Policy and their Guide to Traffic Management Part 6 which sets Queensland’s process for thinking about pedestrian and cyclist safety at...
Austroads Safety Hardware Training and Accreditation Scheme (ASHTAS)
Soon you’ll need a licence to work with road safety barrier systems. The Austroads Safety Hardware Training and Accreditation Scheme (ASHTAS) has been launched, and will ensure the people who design, install, and maintain road safety barriers on Australia’s and New...
Safe System Snippet: #228 Vehicle Star Safety Rating
A New Zealand study has found that owners of cars with low star ratings (1 or 2 stars) are most likely to be young, female and earning less than $50,000 per year. But, 86% of them either did not know their star safety rating or wrongly believed they had a safer...
Bikes and Trucks – can it be done safely?
Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd. has been assisting in the continued rollout of the Sharing Roads Safely training course. The course was developed for heavy vehicle drivers to increase safe interactions with vulnerable road users, specifically motorbike riders, cyclists...
Safe System Snippet: #227 Active transport networks are a good investment.
Active transport networks are a good investment. A Norwegian study found that the benefit of establishing a coherent network of routes for pedestrians and cyclists is at least five times the costs (Sælensminde 2002). This analysis includes investment and maintenance...
Safe System Snippet: #226 Gateway treatments
Gateway treatments can reduce casualty crashes by up to 35%. Gateway treatments (also referred to as entry treatments or town thresholds) are used to delineate the transitions from higher speed to lower speed environments. This is achieved through the use of speed...
Safe System Snippet: #225 Truck rollovers
Truck rollovers occur with all types of trucks but in Australia are more common with trucks carrying timber, livestock, and bulk liquids. A study of 239 truck rollover crashes in the USA showed the following contributing factors: almost half resulted from...
Safe System Snippet: #224 Road Safety Audits (RSAs)
Road Safety Audits (RSAs) are an established and proven practice around the world. They reduce death and serious injury in the transport realm. The practice of undertaking RSAs has been successfully operating in world leading road safety jurisdictions (such as the UK,...
Safe System Snippet: #223 Bent-out cycle lane crossings
Bent-out cycle lane crossings are designed to provide a gap of one or two car lengths between the main carriageway and crossing. This provides an area where a vehicle can store when they turn off the main carriageway; creating safer turning movements and increasing...
Safe System Snippet: #222 Pedestrian protection at signalised intersections
Pedestrian protection at signalised intersections Pedestrian protection gives pedestrians a head start to begin crossing before a vehicle gets a green light to proceed. In NSW, more than 500 intersections are being upgraded to include this protection and all new...