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Safe System Snippet: #244 Wide Centre Line Treatment (WCLT)

Safe System Snippet: #244 Wide Centre Line Treatment (WCLT)

Wide Centre Line Treatment (WCLT) can reduce cross centreline fatal and serious injury crashes by up to 35% (Austroads).   Some design considerations:  Design should consider use of Audio Tactile Line Marking in conjunction with the wide centreline.  In retrofit...

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Safe System Snippet: #241 Working Width

Safe System Snippet: #241 Working Width

Working Width is the barrier system width + dynamic deflection of the system + vehicle roll allowance. Working Width should be provided as clearance from any non-frangible hazards behind the barrier. 

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Safe System Snippet: #240 Road safety risk around schools

Safe System Snippet: #240 Road safety risk around schools

Main factors influencing road safety risk around schools.   Safety around schools has always been a major focus for road safety improvements. While these areas actually present low trauma rates, the special protection the community demands for child safety provides...

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Safe System Snippet: #238 Trail bike safety project

Safe System Snippet: #238 Trail bike safety project

In Victoria, every year, around 700 crashes are reported that involve trail bike riders in forest, park or bush settings. Of these crashes, around 350 are serious injury crashes and 5 are fatal.   Victoria’s Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action,...

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Safe System Snippet: #237 Perceptual countermeasures

Safe System Snippet: #237 Perceptual countermeasures

Perceptual countermeasures (sometimes call perceptive countermeasures) are any alterations to the road environment to change a road user’s perception of the environment with the aim to alter their behaviour. Common perceptual countermeasures include transverse lines...

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Safe System Snippet: #236 Bridge width and road safety

Safe System Snippet: #236 Bridge width and road safety

Bridge width and road safety.   Two great studies have been produced regarding the effects of bridge width on road safety. One by Mak and one by Corben Et. Al. In summary, increasing the bridge width results in a significant reduction of crashes - 35%.   In another...

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Safe System Snippet: #233 Anti-dazzle (or anti-glare) screens

Safe System Snippet: #233 Anti-dazzle (or anti-glare) screens

Anti-dazzle (or anti-glare) screens are designed to minimise light from opposing headlight. A study from the UK found that these screens can reduce injury crashes by up to 11%.  When installing, make sure the design of the attachments doesn’t impact the barrier’s...

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Safe System Snippet: #229 Left turn slip lanes treatments

Safe System Snippet: #229 Left turn slip lanes treatments

Left turn slip lanes treatments continue to be a source of debate in industry. We generally like TMR’s approach in their Road Safety Policy and their Guide to Traffic Management Part 6 which sets Queensland’s process for thinking about pedestrian and cyclist safety at...

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