Here are some key practices to keep in mind when designing intersections where two paths meet: 

  1. Clear Priorities: Establish clear priorities for path users. Consider the volume of users, and if it’s low, give priority to the stream most inconvenienced by stopping.
  2. Visibility is Key: Maintain good sight lines for all users. A clear view enhances safety and minimizes potential conflicts.
  3. Advance Warning: Provide advance warning for approaching intersections. Early notification helps users adjust their speed and navigate the intersection safely.
  4. Signage Matters: Follow sign guidance diligently. Proper signage is important for effective communication and ensuring everyone understands the rules of the path.
  5. 90-Degree Intersections: Where possible, have intersections at 90-degrees. 
  6. Treatments for Smooth Flow: Treat path intersections like local road intersections. Implement line markings and signage where appropriate for clarity and to organise path user flow.