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Presentation to NZ’s Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council

Presentation to NZ’s Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council

Earlier this month, Sam Pasley (Aotearoa lead for Safe System Solutions NZ) and Kenn Beer presented to NZ’s Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council on some of the latest and greatest in road design, assessment and management of roads for motorcycle safety. This included:...

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Safe System Snippet: #221 Audio Tactile Line Markings (ATLMs)

Safe System Snippet: #221 Audio Tactile Line Markings (ATLMs)

Audio Tactile Line Markings (ATLMs) (also called profiled lines or rumble strips) can reduce the likelihood of crashes by up to 45%. Black ATLMs have even more advantages as: - You can create continuous ATLM on both broken and unbroken centrelines (no gaps). - You...

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Safe System Snippet: #220 The ‘barrier effect’

Safe System Snippet: #220 The ‘barrier effect’

Traffic speed isn’t just a safety issue. In areas with a lot of high-speed traffic, people walk less and also experience negative outcomes for health, wellbeing and sense of community. The cost of the ‘barrier effect’ of busy roads on walking in the UK was estimated...

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Safe System Snippet: #219 Dynamic Visual Obstruction

Safe System Snippet: #219 Dynamic Visual Obstruction

Dynamic Visual Obstruction is the term for when a moving vehicle blocks another vehicle’s sightlines. A common place where this occurs is at left turn lanes as demonstrated in the video below.   There are a raft of ways to reduce this risk, including:   Altering the...

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Safe System Snippet: #218 NSW Government – Towards Zero

Safe System Snippet: #218 NSW Government – Towards Zero

The NSW Government makes the following statement on their Towards Zero website:   “It’s important to develop a plan that is specific to your community. Take a look at how other councils have developed their road safety plans to gain some inspiration and insights.” ...

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Safe System Snippet: #216 The awesomeness of Wombat Crossings

Safe System Snippet: #216 The awesomeness of Wombat Crossings

Our recent evaluation for Yarra City Council’s Wombat Crossing (raised pedestrian crossing) on Gipps Street, Abbotsford further solidifies the awesomeness of Wombat Crossings.  The evaluation was performed to understand if pedestrian’s perception of safety had...

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Safe System Snippet: #215 Fresnel lens

Safe System Snippet: #215 Fresnel lens

A Fresnel lens is a thin lens attached to the passenger side window on a heavy vehicle. The driver then gets a wide-angle view as they look through the lens. This assists the driver to see in their blind spot and notice other road users who may otherwise have been...

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Safe System Snippet: #213 Left turn onto pedestrian crashes

Safe System Snippet: #213 Left turn onto pedestrian crashes

While left turn onto pedestrian crashes are less frequent and less severe than right turn on to pedestrian crashes, the risk of these crashes can be reduced using many similar techniques, including: - Exclusive pedestrian phases - Fully controlled left turns - Early...

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Good Roads conference, Toronto

Good Roads conference, Toronto

“In what other industry would you find this sort of risk apathy?” was one of Kenn Beer’s thought-provoking questions in his Keynote presentation at the 129th Good Roads conference in Toronto this week. Kenn was invited to be a Keynote Speaker at the conference which...

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Safe System Solutions Aotearoa New Zealand!

Safe System Solutions Aotearoa New Zealand!

We’re super excited to announce Sam Pasley as the Managing Director of Safe System Solutions Aotearoa New Zealand. We’re passionate about the implementation of the Safe System approach, and having Sam on the team will help us do this in Aotearoa New Zealand. Sam’s...

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Safe System Snippet: #212 Bicycle markings – what colour?

Safe System Snippet: #212 Bicycle markings – what colour?

Coloured pavement markings for cyclist safety are used around the world for a variety of purposes, including to highlight areas where a conflict point exists between vehicles and cyclists, to direct cyclists along a particular path and also to highlight areas...

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Safe System Snippet: #211 When baseline data doesn’t exist.

Safe System Snippet: #211 When baseline data doesn’t exist.

We’re often asked to undertake an evaluation of recently installed infrastructure, or recent road safety initiatives, but unfortunately there is often a large gap in baseline data (read: it doesn’t exist).   While not ideal, one should not despair. There are a few...

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Safe System Snippet: #210 The Gore Area

Safe System Snippet: #210 The Gore Area

The gore area is the wedge between a freeway/motorway exit and the continuing road. Drivers need to navigate, decelerate, and change lanes at, or on the approach to, gore areas through specified and compacted geometry. This makes gore areas highly crash-prone...

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Safe System Snippet: #209 High Profile Barrier Kerbs

Safe System Snippet: #209 High Profile Barrier Kerbs

There are a variety of High Profile Barrier Kerbs (sometimes called High Containment Kerbs) available. Midwest profile has been tested under NCHRP350 Test Level 2, vehicle speed 70km/h, impact angle 25 degrees and vehicle mass 2000kg. VicRoads RDN03-01 states it...

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Safe System Snippet: #207 Bicycle storage boxes

Safe System Snippet: #207 Bicycle storage boxes

Bicycle storage boxes are intended to aid cyclists being seen, and give them an area to store during a red signal phase. However, according to two European studies, only 22% of all cyclists used the advanced stop line. The main reason for the low utilisation was that...

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