Latest News
Compact Roundabouts: Key Design Considerations
Compact Roundabouts – we’re loving them. Our Senior Engineer, Mohammad Fahim Zafar, runs through some of the key design considerations in this 2min video. Lower cost, more intersections treated, more lives saved. Good things do come in compact packages. ...
Hollow Tree Road: Upgrade Plan for Motorcyclists’ Safety
Congratulations to Central Highlands Council and the Road Safety Advisory Council of Tasmania for their investment in the safety of motorcyclists on the Hollow Tree Road. The upgrade plan has just been endorsed for funding. It was early in 2020 (pre-Covid19) when we...
Safe System Snippet #58
Active Advanced Warning Signs (AAWS) have been shown to effectively alert road users to the presence of a train at a railway level crossing. In studies of AAWS in different road environments, Polanis found they reduce risk by up to 35% (Polanis, 1999). Would you have...
Safe System Snippet #57
For undivided open road highways, the dominant Fatal and Serious Injury risk changes from Run-Off-Road to Head-On at between 4,500 and 6,000 AADT. (Swedish research 4,500 and NZ research 6,000) Graph Source: NZTA 2011
Safe System Snippet #56
The Victorian Government has accepted three types of Wire Rope Safety Barrier post protectors for trial (Stack Cushion, Barriacel, MCF Post Cushion). They are designed to lessen the severity of injury for a motorcyclist in the extremely unlikely event that they...
Victoria Walks
We’re proud to continue our passionate support of Victoria Walks by renewing our corporate supporter package.Lobbying for the safety of the largest group of road users (all of us) isn’t a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have.
Australian Consultancy Helps Improve Road Safety in Thailand
In the battle against road trauma, education is the most powerful countermeasure. VicRoads International and Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd have been helping build Thailand's Department of Rural Roads' road safety capacity since 2017. The results of this have produced...
Safety Star Ratings
You know the Star Rating of your washing machine, but what about your roads? iRAP is the internationally recognised model for safety Star Rating existing roads or road designs. Fahim Zafar (Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd) is accredited by iRAP as a supplier of coding,...
Who says the emergency services don’t like flexible barriers?
We stand by Victoria’s SES volunteers as they lend their support to infrastructure that reduces the severity of road trauma. "Our volunteers have seen first-hand the reduction in trauma on the roads thanks to the installation of flexible safety barriers. Thank you to...
Austroads Temporary Traffic Management Webinars
Austroads recently presented two webinars on upcoming changes to Temporary Traffic Management. If you missed the live sessions, you can watch the recordings here: National Training Framework National Prequalification Scheme Feedback on the changes are welcomed and...
Safe System Snippet #55
Roundabouts reduce casualty crashes by around 75%, but conventional traffic signals only reduce casualty crashes by around 45%. It is quite common for roundabouts to be replaced with traffic signals when the opposing movements become too great. Before you remove a...
We welcome Catherine Deady to the team
SSS: What did you study? Catherine: Civil Structural Engineering in WA. SSS: Why Safe System Solutions? Catherine: I met Kenn Beer at a Safe System Principles training course he was delivering in 2017 and was inspired by his passion & approach to road safety. I...
Safe System Snippet #54
A Shared Zone is an area or length of road that is shared by vehicles and pedestrians, in which pedestrians have priority. They are speed limited to 10 or 20km/h. A Shared Zone must clearly indicate pedestrian priority, be a self-enforcing speed environment, and be...
Safe System Snippet #53
Dwell on Red/Rest on Red is a traffic signal phasing that prioritises pedestrian safety. It displays red for all vehicle approaches and only phases to green when a vehicle is detected (and that vehicle has slowed down). The treatments is recommended in central...
Temporary Traffic Management Training framework
Austroads has commenced the industry consultation process on the Temporary Traffic Management Training framework and Company Prequalification framework. The proposed frameworks are expected to improve road safety and efficiency for the temporary traffic management...
Safe System Snippet #52
The Tylösand Declaration is a Swedish moral framework in relation to the design and management of the road network. The Tylösand Declaration of Citizens’ Right to Road Traffic Safety states: Everyone has the right to use roads and streets without threats to life or...
Safe System Snippet #51
It can be difficult for the human eye to identify and perceive the speed of a single point on the horizon. In an attempt to address the phenomenon known as ‘looked but failed to see’ the Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council of New Zealand investigated different...
Safe System Snippet #50
Austroads research report AP-R562-18: Best Practice in Road Safety Infrastructure Programs identifies that a systematic approach to minimising risk through infrastructure is a sustainable approach to risk management in the road environment. The Victorian Safe System...
July Road Safety Audit – (Social) Distance Education program -SOLD OUT
Our Road Safety Audit - (Social) Distance Education program for July is now sold out. The next series commences on 10th September. Further details and to register: click here [embedyt][/embedyt]
TAC’s Local Government Grants program
We are proud to be involved in Transport Accident Commission (TAC)'s Local Government Grants program again in 2020. Once again, the focus for this year is protecting pedestrians and cyclists. TAC is hosting a webinar on Monday 20th July to provide further details and...