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Road Safety Audit Course the (Social) Distance Education version
Due to the success of our first (Social) Distance Education version of our Road Safety Audit course, we've scheduled another starting 23 July. Become an accredited Road Safety Auditor from home and contribute to a safer road network. Click here to view the course....
Safe System Snippet #45
We are often asked if we could use plants/shrubs as roadside protection devices. The simple answer is NO. Why? The effectiveness of a specific planting in being able to stop or slow a wide range of vehicle types is uncertain, and some plantings would also be an...
Safe System Snippet #44
There are a variety of High Profile Barrier Kerbs available. Midwest profile has been tested under NCHRP350 Test Level 2, vehicle speed 70km/h, impact angle 25 degrees and vehicle mass 2000kg. VicRoads RDN03-01 states it should only be considered where operating...
Safe System Snippet #43
Back to School Edition: Treatment #7 Shared PathsWide paths shared by pedestrians and cyclists, separated from vehicular traffic. Advantages•Improves safety by separating vulnerable road users from vehicular traffic•Can influence desire lines (i.e. preferred routes),...
Safe System Snippet #42
Safe System Snippet: Motorcyclists are most susceptible to surface issues in the lead up to a curve and through the curve. We have ranked the ‘hazards’ in the VicRoads Road Management Plan in order of importance for motorcycle rider risk management.
Cycling Auditor Course August
Our popular Cycling Auditor one-day hands on training has been brought forward to 7 August 2020. The current Covid-19 pandemic has more than doubled the number of people riding bikes and several councils have brought forward cycling projects. If you are planning or...
Safe System Snippet #41
Back to School Edition: Treatment #6 Pedestrian Crossing (Zebra)
Safe System Snippet #40
Back to School Edition: Treatment #5 Safe Travel to School: Raised Intersection Consists of a raised platform on the intersection and short length of approach roads. Requires speed hump warning, advisory speed sign and may include other warning signs, if warranted,...
Amy Gillet Foundation Campaign
We support this campaign from Amy Gillett Foundation to improve the safe design of temporary cycling infrastructure.
Safe System Snippet #39
Back to School Edition: Treatment #4 Pedestrian Refuge Consists of a short stretch of raised median in the centre of the road that creates a staging point for pedestrians. Usually features a walkthrough at pavement level. Advantages•Improves crossing opportunities for...
Safe System Snippet #38
Superelevation and changes in superelevation (i.e. crossfall) within an intersection can have a detrimental effect on vehicle stability, particularly for heavy vehicles. In general, the crossfall adopted for turning roadways where vehicles can turn at moderate speed...
Safe System Snippet #37
Back to School Edition: Treatment #3 Supervised Raised School Crossing
Safe System Snippet #36
Back to School Edition: Treatment #2 - Raised Threshold Treatment
Safe System Snippet #35
Back to School Edition: Wombat Crossings
Safe System Snippet #34
Does the community know that it’s a “Limit, Not a Target”? In difficult driving conditions, certain speeds, even within the legal limits, may be inappropriate. Wet weather and other influences may mean that driving at the speed limit is inappropriate and dangerous. Do...
Safe System Snippet #33
Wide centerline treatments can reduce cross centerline fatal and serious injury crashes by up to 30%. Often lanes can be narrowed to accommodate the treatment and the wide centerline is best complemented with audio tactile edge line and centerline. Wide centerlines...
Safe System Snippet #32
There are two types of drivable culvert endwalls – Type 1 (parallel to traffic) and Type 2 (perpendicular to traffic).
Safe System Snippet #31
Fear tactics don’t work in road safety. The main difficulty with fear appeals are that they are least effective among those people who most need to change their behaviour. Less risky people who are already motivated to behave safely are more likely to accept the fear...
“Car parks out, footpaths and cycling lanes in”
Wider paths and protected bike lanes coming soon to Melbourne. Great initiatives by City of Melbourne to help keep vulnerable road users safe as city prepares for post-COVID commuters. Click here to see full article.
Safe System Snippet #30
There are two methods for working out the Length of Need of a road safety barrier system: the run-out length method (used in Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania) and the Angle of Departure method (used in NSW).