Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd were engaged by Regional Road Victoria/VicRoads/DoT to design a wombat crossing and speed limit reduction on High Street, Yackandandah. The design was prepared in accordance with VicRoads Final Drawing Presentation Guidelines, VicRoads...
Since 2015 Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd has been engaged to prepare functional designs for the Federal Black Spot Program and the Heavy Vehicle Freight Safety and Productivity Program projects awarded to Warrnambool City Council. These projects have included Black...
Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd was engaged by the Victorian Department of Transport to develop the technical guidelines for the planning, technical design and implementation of compact roundabouts. This involved investigation into compact roundabouts in Australia and...
The project was delivered in three stages as follows: Stage 1 – Initial co-design with stakeholders resulting in the development of a series of design options (functional layout plans) that were reviewed by the relevant stakeholders, principally Department of...
Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd was engaged by Regional Roads Victoria to develop detailed designs for Side Road Activated Speeds (SRAS) treatments at over 20 different sites across eastern Victoria. SRAS treatments are applied at high speed rural intersections to...