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Cycling Infrastructure Training

Cycling Infrastructure Training

It’s back by popular demand. Cycling Infrastructure training (online).Next course starts: ???? 8 February 2022More info here: Cycling Infrastructure BrochureRegistrations: RegisterContact us: It’s time to put an end to this:

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Safe System Snippet #139 Design Vehicle

Safe System Snippet #139 Design Vehicle

Design vehicle and checking vehicle. Road designers use a design vehicle or design user to set characteristics of the road, intersection, footpath or cycleway. However, designing for comfortable use by the occasional large truck often results in overly wide roads or...

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Safe System Sketch

Safe System Sketch

Every Friday our engineers put their comic wit on the line. This year we’ll be sharing their cartoons with the world on LinkedIn.Follow Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd. to have a laugh/groan every Friday.

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Safe System Snippet #138 Bike Path Usage

Safe System Snippet #138 Bike Path Usage

76% of male cyclists and 72% of female cyclists reported being harassed while on their bike in a 12 month period. The most reported forms of harassment were driving too close (66%), shouting abuse (63%), and making obscene gestures/sexual harassment (45%) (Heesch et...

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Safe System Snippet #137 New Barrier Transition

Safe System Snippet #137 New Barrier Transition

There is a new barrier transition (guard fence to concrete barrier) that has achieved and is recommended to MASH.  The ride-down acceleration and the occupant impact velocity for the tests met the preferred limits specified by MASH TL-3.See Austroads SBTA 21-005,...

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In-person Road Safety Barrier Training

In-person Road Safety Barrier Training

In-person road safety barrier training is back.We were excited to welcome the Day 1 participants to the Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd technical training in Melbourne. This course covers road safety barrier selection, test requirements, design specifics, road user...

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Safe System Snippet #136 Multi-lane Roundabouts

Safe System Snippet #136 Multi-lane Roundabouts

Roundabouts are a Primary Safe System solution for passenger vehicles because of their effective reduction in death and serious injury. However, at multi-lane roundabouts the second circulating lane can create vehicle exiting conflicts. On roundabouts with more than...

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Safe System Snippet #135 Longitudinal Grates

Safe System Snippet #135 Longitudinal Grates

Placing grates of any sort on bicycle lanes or bicycle/shared paths should be avoided. However, this is not always practicable as storm water drainage structures are usually located along the edge of roads where cycling facilities are likely present. All drainage...

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TAC’s Light Insights Trial (LIT)

TAC’s Light Insights Trial (LIT)

Our senior cycling specialist Max McCardel is part of the TAC’s Light Insights Trial (LIT). This innovative technology records Max’s cycling activity and shares data of abrupt decelerations, swerving, road surface roughness, near-misses and a whole lot more. The idea...

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Safe System Snippet #133 Barrier Transition

Safe System Snippet #133 Barrier Transition

Barrier transition done right – Calder Freeway, Victoria Wire rope safety barriers (WRSB) are not designed to be connected to semi-rigid or rigid barriers or bridge ends. However, WRSB can be transitioned to more rigid systems provided that the WRSB overlaps the more...

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Safe System Snippet #132 Heavy Vehicle Stability

Safe System Snippet #132 Heavy Vehicle Stability

Trucks are more likely to roll than skid when travelling too quickly through a curve/corner (unlike cars). The trailer(s) tips first due to the high centre of gravity (relative to the prime mover). Changes in superelevation (i.e. crossfall) within an intersection can...

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Safe System Snippet #131 Flaring a Barrier

Safe System Snippet #131 Flaring a Barrier

Flaring a barrier end terminal can aid in maximising the protected area when there is insufficient length before the hazard. It can also improve sightlines out of access points or side roads. While the flared portion of the barrier can increase the impact angle (and...

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Safe System Snippet #130 Pedestrian and Cycling Underpass

Safe System Snippet #130 Pedestrian and Cycling Underpass

Pedestrian and cycling underpasses can eliminate exposure to crashes with vehicles. They are a Primary Safe System solution, but sometimes planners and designers are reluctant to include them in a project due to flood risk. We say this should be challenged, and that...

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Safe System Snippet #129 Monkey See, Monkey Drive

Safe System Snippet #129 Monkey See, Monkey Drive

In a 2001 study from the US, the driving records of young drivers were compared with those of their parents. The results showed that a child’s driving record is related to their parent’s driving record. Children whose parents had three or more crashes on their record...

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