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Safe System Snippet 290: Turnaround Bays

Safe System Snippet 290: Turnaround Bays

Check out this turnaround bay on a side road in New Zealand.   As more and more of the road network becomes divided with a central barrier system, turnaround bays provide designated spots for drivers, including those in large vehicles, to safely turn. The bays can be...

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Safe System Snippet 288: Shared path crossings over roads

Safe System Snippet 288: Shared path crossings over roads

There has been a lot of work in recent times to create shared path crossings over roads. This is where both pedestrians and cyclists have priority across a road, and it is marked with a GIVE WAY sign and supplementary ‘to 🚶‍♀️& 🚲’ sign. This is mainly to get...

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Safe System Snippet 287: Pedestrian incidents

Safe System Snippet 287: Pedestrian incidents

Some pedestrian incidents are not necessarily included in the definition of road crash, and are therefore not included in official crash data. This can include obstructions on roads, falls, trips and slips, animal bites and personal security.  The World Health...

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Safe System Snippet 286: A see-through effect

Safe System Snippet 286: A see-through effect

A see-through effect is part of the ‘visual deceit’ family of crash causation. This occurs when a driver or rider misses the requirement to give-way or stop because the road geometry misleads them. It is common at crossroads, where traffic signals are in close...

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Safe System Snippet 285: Right turn onto a pedestrian

Safe System Snippet 285: Right turn onto a pedestrian

Right turn onto a pedestrian is one of the most common crash types for pedestrian death and serious injury at signalised intersections. This occurs when the driver has the ability to filter at the intersection (i.e. they choose when they turn right).  In many...

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Safe System Snippet 284: Higher containment barrier systems

Safe System Snippet 284: Higher containment barrier systems

Higher containment barrier systems are used to protect road users from hazards, but also to protect high value/risk assets like bridge piers, drops onto other roads or railway lines, major electrical or telecommunication assets or areas needing special protection...

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Safe System Snippet 281: Bicycle car dooring collisions

Safe System Snippet 281: Bicycle car dooring collisions

The majority of high severity incidents (deaths and serious injuries) associated with ‘dooring’ is a result of a secondary crash. This is where the initial strike from the door knocks the cyclists into the path of an adjacent vehicle in a traffic lane.   VicRoads,...

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Safe System Snippet 280: Larger turning vehicles offtracking

Safe System Snippet 280: Larger turning vehicles offtracking

Larger turning vehicles exhibit offtracking characteristics. Offtracking is a function of a larger vehicle’s spacing between tyre axles. The maximum distance between a larger vehicle’s front (lead) axle and its rear (trailer) axle determines offtracking. It is...

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Safe System Snippet 279: Median wire rope safety barrier

Safe System Snippet 279: Median wire rope safety barrier

In 2012, the Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure in South Australia installed 2.3 km of median wire rope safety barrier (MWRSB) along a section of the Victor Harbor Road known locally as Willunga Hill (Dua & Anderson 2013). The section of...

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Safe System Snippet 274: Safe System in action

Safe System Snippet 274: Safe System in action

People leave the road for all sorts of reasons. Falling asleep, vehicle malfunction, distraction, just to name a few. The barrier systems don’t care why people leave the road; they just do their job. Absorb energy, redirect the vehicle, and keep people alive.   Safe...

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