Catherine: Civil Structural Engineering in WA.
SSS: Why Safe System Solutions?
Catherine: I met Kenn Beer at a Safe System Principles training course he was delivering in 2017 and was inspired by his passion & approach to road safety. I wanted to be a part of that passion & learn more about delivering those values and principles.
SSS: What is it like to start a new job in the middle of a
Catherine: Bizarre. I have adjusted well despite the
circumstances and I think it has come down to the culture of SSS & the family nature of the company.
SSS: A career highlight you’re most proud of?
Catherine: Auditing over 1200 kms of road in the Pilbara,
WA in 45 degree heat.
SSS: Your favourite thing about your career?
Catherine: I love the diversity and I’ve been lucky to work across a range of projects including road safety, transport modelling, traffic impact assessments, road safety funding applications, building infrastructure for active transport.
SSS: How do you separate your work life and home life?
Catherine: Yoga
SSS: What’s the best career decision you’ve ever made?
Catherine: Making the move to SSS of course!
SSS: Good answer.
SSS: Savoy or Ritz cracker?
Catherine: I’d say Ritz…