
Traffic Signal Analysis

Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd was engaged by the Department of Transport Loddon Mallee Region to undertake in-depth analysis of five traffic signal sites in the City of Greater Bendigo. The review was to determine existing operation, signal phasing options and upgrade options.

The project tasks were to:

  • Obtain signal operations and SCATS data;
  • Visit the site to observe how the intersections operate and to assist in calibrating the SIDRA models;
  • Produce AM and PM peak base models in SIDRA and calibrate to existing conditions;
  • Identify potential improvement options;
  • Model the improvement options in SIDRA (AM and PM) to determine effectiveness and any additional works that may be needed;
  • Produce reports outlining findings and recommendations;
  • Liaise and contact the client throughout the project
Project: Traffic Signal Analysis - Bendigo
Client: Victorian Department of Transport
Year: 2021
Key Staff:

Chris Hall | Kenn Beer
+61 3 9381 2222 |

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