
Murray Valley Highway Route Safety Strategy

Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd was engaged by VicRoads (Northern and North Eastern Region) to develop the Murray Valley Highway Route Safety Strategy.

The tasks within the project included analysis of data (both crash data and other risk data) to identify midblock and intersections of higher risk, field work inspecting these high-risk areas, stakeholder workshops with police, local government representatives, emergency services, freight industry and State Government representatives (DoT and VicRoads) and local community road safety groups.

The output of the project was an overarching route safety strategy (see pic) that articulated the issues, opportunities and presented effective and achievable treatments that will reduce trauma on this route. There was also a more detailed technical report containing in-depth analysis of the route, risks, patterns, opportunities and action plans.

Project: Murray Valley Highway Route Safety Strategy
Client: Victorian Government (via VicRoads Norther and North Eastern Regions)
Year: 2015
Key Staff:

Kenn Beer | +61 3 9381 2222 |