
Bass Highway Safe System Transformation Strategy

Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd was engaged by VicRoads (Eastern Region) to develop the Bass Highway Safe System Transformation Strategy for the section of the Bass Highway between Leongatha and Inverloch (30km).

The tasks within the project included analysis of data (crash data, AusRAP and ANRAM) to identify midblock and intersections of higher risk, field work inspecting these high-risk areas, stakeholder workshops with regional representatives, and developing a strategy that aligned with Zero2050 objectives.

The output of the project was a route safety strategy that articulated the issues, opportunities and presented a ‘scope ladder’ that can be used to prioritise funding bids into the future. A key feature of this was the presentation of the scope ladder in map and staged form (see p.18 on in the report to the left). This has greatly assisted the region in prioritising their funding bids for upgrades under Federal and State programs.

Project: Bass Highway Safe System Transformation Strategy
Client: Victorian Government (via VicRoads Eastern Region)
Year: 2018
Key Staff:

Kenn Beer | +61 3 9381 2222 |

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