When we think about intersections, the focus is often on conflict points (those spots where vehicles can collide due to crossing paths). But did you know intersections also pose a higher risk for run-off-road crashes?
This happens when drivers or riders are forced to swerve to avoid a vehicle turning in or out of the intersecting road. Despite intersections making up only a small portion of the road network, they account for 14% of run-off-road crashes, according to McLaughlin et al.
The takeaway? While designing safer intersections to reduce conflict points is important, we need to also consider how to reduce run-off-road risks in at the intersection.
Check out the research:
McLaughlin, S. B., Hankey, J. M., Klauer, S. G., & Dingus, T. A. (2009). Contributing factors to run-off-road crashes and near-crashes. (FHWA-JPO-12-045). Washington, DC: United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
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