Load Transfer Ratio (LTR) plays a crucial role in vehicle dynamics, describing the distribution of weight shifting between tyres during manoeuvres such as cornering, braking, or accelerating. Properly managing LTR is vital for ensuring stability on the road. 

Several factors influence LTR, including: 

  • Curve Radius: Tighter curves increase LTR, while wider curves help reduce it, assuming all other conditions remain constant. 
  • Superelevation/Road Camber: Appropriate road banking along curves minimises lateral load transfer, helping to keep LTR within safe limits. 
  • Surface Condition: Smooth and even road surfaces promote a stable and consistent LTR, while rough or uneven surfaces can lead to unpredictable load shifts. 
  • Road Grade: Steep uphill or downhill slopes affect longitudinal load transfer, which can impact vehicle stability. 


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