There are a variety of known treatments available for low bridges/structures to lessen the risk vehicle strike. These include:  

  • Protection beams: Though highly effective in preventing critical collisions, these come with high installation costs and frequent replacements at key hotspots.
  • Clearance (gauge) frames: Affordable and relatively effective, but can pose significant hazards to other vehicles if damaged.
  • Sound detection devices: Cost-effective, but pose risks to others if dragged down and prone to noise interference from traffic.
  • Warning light beams: Require regular inspections and high-tech servicing for bidirectional traffic. Drivers might also ignore the warning.
  • Impact detection devices: Similar to warning lights, but also subject to malfunctions and limited signal availability. 
  • Raising bridge/lowering road: Highly expensive and often impractical, affecting track and road infrastructure significantly.


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