Last year Austroads updated the Design Vehicles and Turning Path Templates Guide.  

Changes in the fourth edition include: 

  • A new design vehicle has been created using the existing Austroads passenger vehicle towing a trailer. The dimensions of the trailer are the maximum allowable dimensions under the Australian Design Rules. 
  • Further guidance to distinguish between design vehicles and checking vehicles. 
  • Additional explanations to better interpret the Performance Based Standards (PBS) scheme and how it compares to existing prescriptive vehicles. 
  • Minimum clearances between design vehicle swept paths and kerb, edge lines, centrelines and edge of pavement as well as clearances between swept paths for vehicles turning in the same direction. 
  • Software parameters that must be adhered to when undertaking the turn paths using software such as AutoTURN, AutoTrack, Vehicle Path (VPATH), etc.

    It’s free to download here:  


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