A study from the University of the Sunshine Coast has shown what we all suspected – that exposure to material encouraging speeding increases actual speeding rates in drivers.  

628 Queensland motorists (263 men and 365 women aged between 17 and 88 years) were part of a study that found people that are regularly exposed to pro-speeding content online or via friends are at more risk of speeding in the real world. 

Another study published by the American Psychological Association showed that playing these types of video games was associated with increased reports of a variety of risky driving habits (e.g. speeding, tailgating, weaving in traffic), being pulled over by the police, automobile accidents, and willingness to drink and drive. 

Check out the research here:  

Queensland study: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15389588.2022.2049259?src=&journalCode=gcpi20 

American study:  
