Japan Road Safety Program

Japan Road Safety Program

Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd and VicRoads were engaged by Express Highway Research Foundation of Japan to deliver a two-day Victorian Road Study Tour in Melbourne during November 2019.The content was developed in consultation with Express Highway Research Foundation...
International Road Safety Training Courses

International Road Safety Training Courses

Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd has run over 1,200 days of road safety technical training courses for delegates and individuals from over 75 countries. These have included in-country training, hosted training workshops in Australia and online interactive training...
Indonesian Delegation Road Safety Engineering Study Tour

Indonesian Delegation Road Safety Engineering Study Tour

Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd was engaged by the Indonesian Government to develop, design and host a road safety study tour for a delegation of 30 engineers and road safety technical professionals.The focus of the two-week study tour was Road Safety Audit, Black Spot...