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Safe System Snippet 351: Curves and Crashes: Understanding Road Factors
Safe System Snippet- Curves and Crashes: Understanding Road Factors Vehicles crash to both the inside and outside of curves. The crashes to the inside of a curve usually involves an overcorrection and associated yawing. There are a series of road and roadside factors...
Safe System Snippet 350: Not all roundabouts are round
There are a variety of roundabout designs that deviate from the traditional circular roundabout. These include (but not limited to): Teardrop/raindrop Dog bone Dumbbell Tennis Ball Peanut Turbo Squarcle Cut through Hamburger Each of these can be used in unique...
Safe System Snippet 349: Police Vehicle Crashes
A MUARC study from NSW shows that 55.2% of emergency vehicle collisions involve police cars, compared to 10.9% for ambulances and 4.8% for fire brigade vehicles. Police duties often involve unpredictable high-speed manoeuvres, placing drivers at unique risk....
Safe System Snippet 348: Do we have a e-scooter roadmap?
The emergence of e-scooters presents both opportunities and challenges regarding their safe and harmonious integration with the existing transportation system. Traditional modes (walking, cycling, motorcycling and driving) have seen over a century of legislative,...
Safe System Snippet 347: Moto Trikes
We’ve done various Austroads and jurisdictional projects relating to trike safety and trike incident investigations. Licensing, training and assessment of trike riders can be ambiguous. We’ve assembled some key points and prompting questions in the linked fact sheet...
Safe System Snippet 346: Motorcycle Visibility
The inherent vulnerability of motorcycles is heightened by their reduced visibility. Motorcycles' slender profile, susceptibility to environmental factors, and potential masking by other vehicles present challenges for other motorists seeing riders. Research conducted...
Safe System Snippet 345: Autobahns are NOT safe
The German Autobahns have an average crash rate of 130 injuries per billion vehicle kilometers travelled (VKT). The Hume Freeway has a crash rate of 33 injures per billion VKT. Check out more details in a fact sheet we produced: Speed Limit Myths Fact Sheets...
Safe System Snippet 344: Understanding the Impact of Crossfall on Truck Stability During Turns
Trucks are more likely to roll than skid when travelling too quickly through a curve/corner (unlike cars). That’s why changes in superelevation (i.e. crossfall) within an intersection can have big impacts on vehicle stability. In general, the crossfall adopted for...
Safe System Snippet 343: Pelvic injuries for motorcyclists
15% of injuries for motorcyclists are pelvic injuries according to research from Transurban Road Safety Centre at NeuRA. They simulated a variety of fuel tank designs and sitting positions and found that fuel tanks with a lower angle or more gradual rise from the...
Recipe for a successful road safety trip to Ontario, Canada
Article from our Principal Engineer, Kenn Beer Start with 3 x AussiesRun 2 x Road Safety Audit courses Create 31 x new Road Safety AuditorsEat 500 x TimbitsDeliver 4 x conference presentationsComplete 1 x Road Safety AuditRegret 4 x tattoos (they “should” wash off...
Evolution of a Road Safety Auditor
Article from our Principal Engineer, Kenn Beer There is a lot of discussion in our industry about the capability of Road Safety Auditors. We often hear statements like ‘the bar is too low’ or ‘you have to have at least 10 years experience to be an Auditor’ or ‘they’re...
The World’s Smallest Roundabout
Article from our Principal Engineer, Kenn Beer Roundabout, mini-roundabout, compact roundabout, traffic circle, rotunda, rotary… what’s the difference and why? I was in Mackay, Queensland, this week running a Safe System Assessment course, and saw on Google Maps the...
Should Road Safety Audits be carried out by the company who designed them? Let’s discuss
Article from our Principal Engineer, Kenn Beer I’m seeing a lot of Road Safety Audits (RSAs) done by the same company that did the design. This risks the integrity of the RSA and the RSA practice overall. One of the fundamental principles of RSAs is 𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲....
Safe System Snippet 342: Visual Deceit – the see-through effect at crossroads
The intersection geometry at crossroads can create a visual phenomenon known as the "see-through effect." This occurs when drivers or riders misinterpret the road layout, failing to recognise the need to stop or give way due to the straight alignment of intersecting...
Safe System Snippet 341: Lane Filtering – Navigating the Pros and Cons
In a growing number of jurisdictions, lane filtering has emerged as a legal practice for motorcyclists. This manoeuvre allows riders to navigate through slow-moving or stationary traffic at low speeds, often reaching the front of a congested queue. The potential...
Safe System Snippet 340: Cyclist Distraction
Research highlights the potential dangers of distractions for cyclists, particularly those related to mobile phone use and listening to music. Here's a breakdown of the findings: Mobile Phone Use: Impaired situational awareness: Cyclists engaged with their phones...
Safe System Snippet 339: Median Barrier Selection
Wire rope barrier systems (also called cable barrier systems) can be struck from either side by an errant vehicle and they will function as intended. This, and their narrow width, makes them a useful system for medians (wide or narrow). There are also a variety of...
Safe System Snippet 338: ANCAP
The Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) includes Vulnerable Road User tests, including a pedestrian crash test that estimates likely head and leg injuries to child and adult pedestrians. The tests are conducted with head-forms and leg-forms fired at the...
Safe System Snippet 337: City Streets – Lower Speeds Make a Big Difference
Urban areas are complex and lower speeds means vehicles have more time to react to the frequent hazards that arrive in their travel path. The data is clear - lower speeds lead to significant safety improvements: Reduced likelihood of crashes: decreased speeds...
Safe System Snippet 336: Wire Rope Safety Barriers – curves, sags and crests
Because Wire Rope Safety Barrier systems consist of ropes in tension, the minimum allowable horizontal curve radius is 200 metres in most jurisdictions. When designing, the effect of the curve on barrier deflection should also be considered. The minimum allowable sag...