Expert Witness

Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd is a transport and road safety consulting company offering expert witness services and litigation support in all states and territories in Australia.

With expertise in road and roadside design and maintenance; traffic management; pedestrian, cyclist, motorcyclist, and vehicle safety; and injury biomechanics; we offer our expert witness services and litigation support in the following areas:

  • Crash investigation
  • Crash reconstruction
  • Pedestrian, cyclist, and motorcyclist crashes and injuries
  • Passenger vehicle crashes and occupant injuries
  • Road and roadside design
  • Road and roadside maintenance
  • Traffic management
  • Risk management and audits

Our organisation and practices are aligned with the Safe System and Towards Zero.

Find out more about our experts below.

Dr. Tana Tan

B.E. (Mech) (Hons)/M.BioMed.E. PhD

Dr. Tana Tan has over ten years of experience as a consultant, researcher, project manager, and course facilitator. He is a motorcyclist of more than 15 years, a road and off-road cyclist, and a registered road safety auditor. His specially areas are crash reconstruction, motorcycle safety, passenger vehicle safety, and the biomechanics of crash injuries. His PhD involved the investigation of thorax (i.e. chest) injuries in passenger vehicle rollover crashes. He and Kenn Beer led the 2021 update to the Austroads Guide to Road Safety.

Kenn Beer

BEng (Hons), RPEng, MPIA, RPEQ, RPEV

Kenn Beer is one of Australia’s most active and prominent Safe System practitioner and trainer. He has more than 20 years of experience in road and roadside safety engineering; transport planning; and policy and strategy development. He is a Registered Professional Engineer (RPE), a registered senior road auditor, and transport planner. He and Dr. Tana Tan led the 2021 update to the Austroads Guide to Road Safety. Additionally, he is an avid cyclist.

Thuan Nguyen


Thuan Nguyen is a civil engineer and registered Senior Road Safety Auditor with over 20 years of experience in road safety, traffic engineering and road maintenance. He is currently Chair of the Australian Standards committee for Traffic Control Devices. Thuan has also developed road safety and traffic policies for VicRoads; updated Austroads Guides and Australian Standards; and reviewed and authorised traffic management plans for construction projects and major events.

Example Projects

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