We often get asked about the effectiveness of convex mirrors and frequently review proposals that include them. There’s a lot of misconceptions out there, so we’ve created a fact sheet to ensure practitioners have the right information at their fingertips. 

Convex mirrors can be useful in low-speed conflict areas such as industrial driveways and parking zones. However, they should NOT be the first solution when sight distance is obstructed. A thorough road safety assessment is essential before considering installation.  

Some key points: 

Pros: Simple, cost-effective, and especially helpful at night in low-light areas. 

Cons: Can distort images, impair decision-making, and may need ongoing maintenance. 

Convex mirrors are a temporary fix in specific situations, and not suitable for use at pedestrian crossings. Other treatments like intersection control, relocating driveways or trimming vegetation should be prioritised. 

Check out our full fact sheet for a detailed breakdown of when and how convex mirrors should be installed, along with legal considerations. 

Want more fact sheets? Check out our resources page on our website: https://safesystemsolutions.com.au/resources/  


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