High volume roads with high speeds require continuous safety barriers because users will leave the road at random points along the whole route.  

Rather than designing isolated barriers to shield road users from specific hazards, continuous barriers are designed as a consistent longitudinal element of the road’s cross-section. 

While the selection of location and length are now easier (put in as much as possible), there are still barrier design considerations, including:  

  • Barrier performance requirements: Selecting the appropriate barrier type and containment level. 
  • Minimising barrier breaks: frequent intersections and access points compromise the continuous protection offered by the barriers. Relocation or consolidation of these elements should be explored where feasible. 
  • Sight distance management: adequate sight lines must be maintained at intersections, access points and around curves. 
  • Emergency vehicle access: Provisions for emergency vehicle access and breakdown clearance must be integrated into the design.


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