
Motorcycle Rider Perceptive Countermeasures – Research

Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd and the University of Adelaide’s Centre for Automotive Safety Research (CASR) were contracted to perform studies on how Perceptual Countermeasures (PCMs) can be applied to Australian roads to help motorcycle riders navigate bends in a safer manner.

This is an ongoing study with the first stage (an options report on PCMs that can be trialled and locations for the trials) having been supplied to Austroads. The project involved literature reviews, organising and facilitating stakeholder workshops, reporting and development of the trial sites.

The project number is SAG6222

Project: SAG6222 Motorcycle Rider Perceptive Countermeasures - Research
Client: Austroads Ltd, Sydney, Australia
Year: 2019 – 2022
Key Staff:

Dr Tana Tan | Kenn Beer
+61 401 345 461 |